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The Leaf-Chronicle from Clarksville, Tennessee • 8

The Leaf-Chronicle from Clarksville, Tennessee • 8

Clarksville, Tennessee
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DAI LYilLEAp-CH RQN1CLE, CLARKSVILLE TEN NE 4. 1 902, ADVERTISED LETTERS. WANT HER aoacocooooooobDooooooon3cin lis, IN SOCIETYf Letters remaining unclaimed at Clarksville, postoffloe June TUB GOWNS. 8, 1092. At COc a Pound.

To cherish kindly thoughts about your Like lor her Jo say: "Oh, he, so nicer" Then all that Is neoeawry (or you to do to give her a nice box ot candy and these are yours (tor svhlle.) womkn's list. harden, Susan SnffllER'lNDISPENSABLE. a a a Breeden, Mary Cross, Lue AUIe 'Hodgs, Mrs Bessie -Martin, Sallle. O.i Mary weather, Tisbey Whitfield, Matilda Our new MU5LIN5 Art quite the daintiest, martest things that have been shown this season. HPff AniF-FI2urC(i nd Plain, In delicate tints, tt makes lovely, Inexpensive evening gowns.

MBS ORENADINES fa Linen Shower, One i of this most events of the season was the linen shower given Saturday afternoon by Mrs. Morris K. Olark la honor of Miss Jennie Logan Clarke, whose marriage to Mr. William B. Vaught takes place this eventogv Mrs.

Clark's Main-street borne was tastefully decorated for the occasion, and the throng of handsomely gowned women collected therein combined to make rare picture of baftM? and loveliness such a' one as wtlTaver cause the beholder to linger question Ingly over the words and HAMMOCKS" 7 Km I i For Bummer Rest. HAMMOCKSDj 5 j' VoT Summer Comfort. HAMMOCKS- For Summer Sleep. tw- vyi-'v Hammocks of all sizes, of all colon anfl at price to suit all comers. Wllaoa, Mrs Nannie, car Frank with j- I ft i it a o-n, a Hunter Williams, MraEmrnatr Woods, Mrs Nanoey (col.) men's list.

Benard, Walter Ttrlnn 1 HAWS ON tVKRV OICCI." EMBROIDERED SWISS-P" white, black and laven. White Swiss embroidered In white, pink add bl Me. Handsome and the top-notch of style. 1 1 NEW MADRAS. tDelpiJohnr j--isa-iMt Xwls, ME Roberts, Isaac 1 DARK AMI) I WMT I AWMC swv BWSI IV1IT 1VI WHITtCIHFTONS ANDm QUAUTIK AND 'i i J.

'iwt I "I $22 CffoeonsTEs FRESH TODAY Somebody at home will be -waiting tonight for a The "Name on Every Pkce" ii the guarantee. Sherwood, John If not called for on or before June tWWB FOB THE sun C) LI 19, 1902,. they, wjli be mlty h9; "Dead setter umce. sun i. if.

In calling for these please ask for OWEN MOORE DRUG Cd, "Ddvertlsed Letters." B. 0. Wilcox, P. M. 5 ENEAL ODWARDS.

other cities of interest, ''they will If the stomach performs its fflncOons reside In Morcran Park. Chioaeo. actively and regularly, the food of opooooponoooooaoodDC2c3 i if rn -in i. riTHin i'ii 1 mi mi ii -L- i. lii i i iZ'T which it is the receptacle, is transformed into blood of a nourishing quality, which furnishes and wthithnonirwhoir Tiodyrrmr-bine gives tone to, the stomach and promotes digestion and assimilation.

Price, 50 cents. Owen Moore Drug tr1 i Mr. Oi 0. Morefield, of Cadiz, rlfl'vlsItingSilB sons, Tom and N. J.

Moon returned last night tirom a visit to relatives at Chattanooga. Bailie Smith has returned to ther home at Port Royal'after avlslt to father, Squire Z. Smith. gg Dr. J.

g. Oney, ofjhe Odd Fellows' jHome, wilfleave" tonight forJ.Terre Haate, to visit relatives. Dr.Harrelleon and Peter Fort, who iraccompanled the remains of Dr. Crunk Jtof'XiewIeburg, have returned -borne. Misses Elm a Page, of Texas, and iCorine Fuqua, of Lafayette, are the guests of B.

L. Fuqua's family on "Tdain street. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Murphy and Mrs.

"Jl W. Saunders, of New York City, arrived last night to visit Dr. and Mrs. T. H.

Marable. fj-INE-XPENSIVJ Mr. Maccoy takes for his bride one" 9-t 9Pr JlRYSBgft JElrJU ter and disposition. Mr. Maccoy Is a prominent real estate dealer and manufacturer.

"Many beautiful "and valuable presents were recieved. t- Porch Party. An elegant affair was reception given this morning by Mr s. Walter fi. Clarke and Miss tClara Bringburst in compliment of the, Clarke-Vaught On entering the court the guests deposited their mysterious in an umbrella of huge pink chrysanthemums rom4hechande-Her.

"They were then seated at con-venlent tables and entered with zest Into a game of progressive euchre. The beautiful prizes offered by the hostess engendered A keen rivalry of skill, making the game one prontense luterest'bnd The first pri2e, a pretty silver candlestick, was won by Mrs. Browne, of Columbus, Ohio. This she very gracefully 'presented to the honoree. Miss Clara Bringburst captured the second prlzef a beautiful band-painted bun-bonf while the third honors to Miss, Kate 'AndersoD, she seouring a unique brass candlestick.

While the prizes were being awarded a deHcioOs Ice course was served," Mrs. Clark again displaying her indls-putable claims as hostess par excellent. tjr iTbe festfvities were brought to an end by placing the, fair honoree beneath the umbrella and showering its contents upon her. And the umbrella proved a veritable cornucopia, pouring forth not only many things substantial to the housewife, but divulging greater evidences of the love and esteem in which the charming honoree is held by those who were around her. The charming hospitality of the hostess, the grace and loveliness of the fair honoree, and the subtle enchantment oi the surroundings served to 7 Fob Rbnt Three rooms for light housekeeping.

Apply to John North i JL ingto407 South Second street J3dlw In airthe New 1902 Patterns and Colors. T.aro-A Qfb- jtfSZfrt'nu- 4.U-4. 'Tisn't safe to be a day without Dr. it. bridal party.

It was In the nature of Thomas' Eoleotrio Oil in the house. Never can tell what moment Jan accident is goirg to happen. a porch party, to which the broad and F27DAlf i ti 1 TeL 96 and 55. 3rd Next to Express U. A TEXAS WONDER, generous verandas of the Franklin House lend themselves admirably, The hostesses were assisted is welcoming the guests by Mesdames J.

Ernest Elder, J. Ed. Ellis, Clay Stacker, Martin L. Cross, M. E.

Clark, M. B. Coleman, Misses. Edith Clarke and Margaret McEwea. Mesaames A.

Brown and B. E. Taylor served fruit salad' and Misses Roberta Luckett and Battle Drane served tea punch to the callers. The honoreet w.eje.:. Mtes Howjson, Hall's Great Discovery.

One small bottle of Hall's Great iDiscovery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and regulates bladder trouble in children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of 1. One small bottle is two months' treatment and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E.

Kail, Boie maaufactarer, Sox 629, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials, 8ol toy all druggists. STERLING SILVER; L1BBEY CUT GLASS, TIFFANY' GLASS, ROOK WOOD, ORNAMENTS, NOVELTIES. The B.

H. STIEF JEWELRY make Ufa pleasant, memory, wjthtbn HeysrTori'Denfal Paitois. who attended. Entertained Their Friends DIAMONDS, WATCHK8, JEWKliRT, fJRAD- l- UATINO AXD COMMENCKMKNT PRESEIiTS. BepalrloR a Specialty.

All Work. Warranted. MaU Orders and Correspondence Save Prompt Attention." Nothing but the very best Dentistry Bead This. A i is what you get at this office, at the Misses Margaret and Mabel Hodg Clarksville, June 6, 1901. Dr.

E. W. Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Dear most moderate prices.

son, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Sam of Gallatin; Miss Ellle Forde, Mre. Stella Forde, Mr. and Mrs.

Abraham Illlman, Bev. and Mrs. Amis, of Nashville; Messrs. Allen Meadows, Clarence Buckner, John Kreig, Hugo Dorris, Julian Brown, Louis Brown-low, Amis and Walter Vaught, and St. Clair Boot on, of Louisville.

Eojoylag a Pioale. Hodgson, entertained number of Painless Extraction Doctor: it is with pleasure that I reoommend your Texas Wonder for kidney and bladder trouble. My wife their friends in a delightful manner 1 "(S and myself nave both used it, and ex By the use of our VITALIZED AIR. "Fashion Is a Wahty Tyrant and thp World's a Wllllns; Slavs." perienced wonderful relief from Its No danger. No after affects.

nee. Chas, W. Bebby. last evening." After tiring of parlor games a trolley ride around the circuit was much enjoyed by the young people. Maccoy-Roei.

Crown and Crldgo Vcrk Miss Bailie Howard's pupils are et BRINGH URST BUGGl -X A Specialty. joying a picnic at Porter's Bluff today. At noon dinner was spread apon the afvinfio rTt.Trk.r 1 tt in a. ground. Miss Dorothy feoss, the daughter of New York Dental Parlors, We sell Uie' are Ci cheap and plentiful.

Call onCnsif yoa want good values. a Respectfully, Circuit Court. Bev. and Mrs. E.

B. Boss, and Mr. Frank Maoooy, of Morgan Park, Chl-o ago were married yesterday afternoon in Grace Church, Bossview -r. i 1 'jT First and Franklin Streets. B.

U. Ugr. Long Distance Phone 95. urst C(K: Bnngh or-' Buggy Judge B. D.

Bell will convene Court in Clarksville on Monday, the bride's father officiating. The Jane 9.. Notice our Window cburch was decorated with daisies and limes. v--- Promptly at 5:80 o'olock the bridal party entered to the wedding hymn QfWWvVae BT. JOSEPH STRIKB WILL END.

AaaieaM lfrnMi4 RmmM Vfer tfc MorU Mia- Bow of Maslatloa. fit. Joseph April 13. Ths strike of the anion sarpenters, which began here two weeks ago, will be declared off. At a session of the Missouri state board of mediation and arbitration, held Friday night, reprs-aentatiree of ths Carpenters nnloa and-; the: Master Carpenters; and Builders'.

association, were hrd.wlth -the result that the board adopted resolutions. satisfactory to both sides. The resolutions recommend that the 'carpenters shall receive S3 cents per hour; an increase of ne cents. This Action will, be ratified by both ths ijeontending- parties. Hundreds of jbuilding in eourse of oonstrnctlon effected.

0 i MaJA Waller's Defease. Manila, 'April lft MaJ. Waller, ot -ths marine tKrpi, on trial by court martial, said in his own defense: "It Is impossible to oonceive such treachery as that of the natives of Samar, 'they revel in blood and have an ap for wanton SacfUega of ths hman body. fiends attempted lb murder my command. I shot thexoj "The Voice That Breathed O'er Eden." Messrs.

Alf. Killebrew and John W. I ULL 1111 smonEn smtLE. I Boss, came in first, then followed 20 the groom and his best man, Dr. Wins-low, of Chicago.

Both wore light trousers and black Prince Albert We have an elegant line of new: consignments A --4 A smoker's countenance lights when his eye 4 allghta; on tha deOghts4 I presented cigar ease. It does a critical i I 'ti smoker to see the 4' i stock 'we carry." JLnd the often er he comes tad i Anderson's Heat. Powder, tha inoiihe'aamplealZ I hoasstly thought thenJthat 'waa I Pure vlcibn4 1 1 so bright, and 1 believe I a (the better he appreclatee "what we have provided! i Jr 1 I "ill I i-- t' r--- re 3 have the- laadlcg 2 Powder. coats. was the maid of honor.

Miss Marlon Boss, sister of the bride. She was dressed In pink, carried a of pink roses and looked beautiful. The bride followed on the arm other uncle, Mr. Jack Crouch, of Clarks villa. Eerjwn was white-chiffon ore? ail ettadJlISlM ot "tha val-ley la hair ed' to" ter hands a wm toe bridal yeil, fraoefullr I Tor brida la tan, haadaoma, al-bractlve, and her appearance mad an Impression all present When tha brida reached the altar the muslp stopped, and tha Oeremony was The remainder of the ertulns; was 4V popwar firanoa oi.

nva ana ten cents tlgastsit Jr llrair GBADE3, COIiOES, PATTEF IT3 Si PBIOE3 From YTklih "to Ilaie Yc Alt Prices and Kinds 1 tome mora brands that --'ara bound be fast as" popular. Our policy Is! v-perer toeut the cost; wa aytotha are partloolae to get for what we payr- Crbk, UATTINO ths end Host Uealthful Panmer Floor CorerlES. Saves. Lahbrr and; therefore, Saves flocey. Dainty Color In CREPE PAPER A' I manutacture the following kinds Of Brtokl FACK, BUILDING, CI8- TfiKK AfiCB and PAVBMKKT.

and farnteh Mm In any quanUUet, at all tlmM. Work! on Spring street. fSee If we cant suit yon better .1... spent '-at the1 bride's home, where over Ciarkfvllle rational I 'A- 7 solicited. Telephone Bank.

OI they received the congratulations of their many friends. At 8 o'olock they left for the East, where they' VlO 140-S Bing BBiDLirS STORE. spend their honeymoon. After 'visiting Virginia Beach, jSew' -Yorkf arid 126 FranilKgt.fill? 21 Telpphone..

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