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The Leaf-Chronicle from Clarksville, Tennessee • 3

The Leaf-Chronicle from Clarksville, Tennessee • 3

Clarksville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1. A IQi I J)AIlAT TOBACCO IEAV-CIlitONlduf A 17, IbiM. and did riot exceed in exlingiiialilng the fbiuioa till evening. The bave not yet auccecdi'd in getting the wells under ott ivmi WATER. Great Damao by Floods In the Northwest.


2 wrv iJ 1 1 L- IS A3 SAFE AND HARMLESS AS J3l TPltxzz 0ood -Poultlob. It ia applied right to the porta It cures all diseases of women. Au lady oan use it herselt Sold by a.t. DRUGGISTS. to msjf address on receipt of $1.

Dr. J. A. McGIll is Co, 3 and 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, HI SOLI) BY OWEN KOORE, iw a A -7 YCl PLEASURE vsissssii 4c ff 1 27TH YEAR in ClaARKSVinin. Harvest your wheat and grass with the Walter Wood Self-Binders, Reapers or Tubular Steel Mowers.

fm ah 'IK-. OF T1I0USASDS. I nil i Damn, Ilulld-' and CarjitMl Away by tho I luml I itl Jfltnll Not Known a Tide- gi'Aiih. Mm! TcWiulioh. Wiw Jnturriijitcd.

llivi-it Falls, VH' May 17. A da- ntiu''tive flo. 1 to sweariing down 1)1 tick liver valloy. A Jhvk numljor of dama nt inilto, iron biidycB and Otlior projxTty have Loin c1w.titj ed. A apodal from Cliiiipiwa Falld tUo rojiorta groat do-Htruotfim to pf()f rty in the Chippewa river AH railways report wash-ouin nn.l tiuini from the north or wcMt'wrro hcvuiuI hoiur-t lato.

Tho wall of watui" wooping down' lil'i. rivor valloy struck Kivtr alls at 1 rt. in, Tho tire 'alanh IkiIIh worn rua Hit 1 tut) pyiple hurried from thou homes to th.i nid oi tlio.iu living "in tho lower j'itrti of the city in the' path of the Hood. The lnm of the Prairie mill chocked the juhIi of wutur for a fowiniuntea but walla of mad and stono cot with--eland thu pn-Miro and tho dam ave way. Two bij? bridgea wt-ro swept from their faatmiiiig and were carried away on torront.

tioveral mnall buildings fol- lowed. Mralyis starch fauldry was torn from and wont down fttrcam. Another largo bridge wont next. Foster's nawmill waa in' Mm path of tnt tide and autferod damage. and at FoBtnne'a mill it is Hail- Way linen an tiered severely from wash-outs.

All the lainilioa on the lowlands were rescued. At Bloom, in the Chippewa valley, aevernl dwellings, a large plaining mill, the city puinpinghouae and the fare en- gine house are gone. The iuimouan dam arroea Black river, near in danger, and the west wing wan blown up to save the remainder of the structure This sent a great flood down the valley on Black river lalja. The mill district "of Grlonwood is a aceno of wrrclc and rnin. The big dam and sluiceway of (jrh-nwofid Manufacturing company, away and several hundred thousand feet of log were carried away.

Every bridge on the entire length of Titt'any "creek is gone. Many dwellings in the part of, the village are nndor wittir, -y At Chippewa Falls and north toward Bloomer tho vai ley ia iiiHliir water. A 10-feefrraiae la yi-umiaed at JEau where the watur is now very high. This will cause, heavy losses to mill owm rs and othera. Advicea at the.

railway offioaa in Mil-waukeo-repoit cm all road's tiorth and wvt of the city No trains are itriivini? from Ht. Paul and Minue-tipolia on.any Kvm-y railway bfttweon Milwaukee and Bt. Paul haa tvhn badly tied up -Tneaday night. Watshont exinta my tho Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Ihe Chiciitro ud Northwestern am) the Wistionaia a great extent, tlie complete extent of which could learned by the ollicials liere up t6 Wcdhoaflay aCturuoon, owing to the art that the telegraph wires weresdown or The washouts on the St.

Pani road are the most aeriona on the river diviaion hv- twi'en 'Red Wing and toiMAihe. "Innitoir fnnii I'auT to Chicago, due in Milwaukee at 7:10 Wednesday morning, did not arrive here until between .5 atft i o'clock in tho afternoon. Tho faat mail from Hi. Paul, whicli reaches here at did not fieMn until late in the afternoon. AH oihtsr traiua froin or to tit.

Paul on that road were greatly delayed and were run via the5 Iowa and Minnesota division, being around by Northhojd and Hed Wing, thence to Lacrosse, At tlib bfhYo of Assistant Cienernl Stiperiiitendent McKonna" it was atated that the washouts were soi'i-oua in extent and that tho delays would be general to ail St. Paul trains. The Chicago and Northwestern train, Ht. Paul to which-should huve eft the north 'litosday waa. tied up at aui uiiru vveunowiayf niom- nii inn tiici' via ino jowa ana Alinu'ua(4a' diviaion of the St.

Paul, intending to rnn via Hastings and Lacrosse Uunglasa, th' ie to take its own -triK'ks. Tho dauago on the Wisconsin Central is aerioua for miles in extend -from t'hip-jiejva Falls west, and all traiua for or frouir there, were "-tied up. Trains aro rniiniiig on fair time between Ashland and Milwaukee and Chicago, however. 'Reports rcocivod by (ieiieral Manager; Wiii teouibatated that the stm-ia tvas tlie severest known in that section and the damage'' more extrusive than ever Owing to the demoralized vondition i4 tho wires but "littloTiin 1 as to tow long it will require to make repairs autlicieut ior tlie fre moving of trains. Ill 31 tllllfMltU.

Sr. Pm May stonns in the natnro uf a cloudburst extending over aliout luih-s territory, with St, Paul on the western edge of the storm, diil terrible damair-, Tm-sday- rrigbt. The amount of damage is uncertain, but ia very heavy, liiver t'alW, reixirts a daiu burst nd three bridges the damage on the dam bung at jXK). New Richmond-; reports unable to run on account "1 ilt. ViUiaui IJreunau- of Erwui Prairie WJia killed and others severely injured by Jightntng.

All Chicago rail roads suffered severely, no trains arriving on lime. A cut atUmhon baa txen washed full and th clearing oi the rack iinli fi-nUe. The Wieousiu Central traina cannot run on account of washout-. The lliiriiiigbiii get in very late by going. around -ver' the' Milwaukee, ami that roa I a'M its train in by going a roiiiniatxiiit y.

t)n tht? Bnrlmutiuhe wires are down fmir rrifHvtr. definite news nt the trouble is uuobtainabto. -1? We have fuat received a'car load 8oldou fttvorableterm8. We carry a we nave aiao tne Best uraae rure isiaai Buford of bg the above mao hlne. which wHl'ba control.

young Wqirnta Kill Her Folio Lover, and lrIably'y, Vundn Urnlf. Chicaoo, May 17. Made half insane by her lover's faithlessness, Carrie Wen- del of MaquakeUt, shot and- killed P. Itoyal in front of the- National hotel. Tuesday afternoon.

Then, turning ths revolver on herself, she stt twobullets yito her forehead, perhaps mortally I wounding heraelf Royal and the young woman had been keeping company some time, and he had promised marry her. Killed Hl Mother, AxbaHY, May 17. Eugene Brady killed his mother, aged ia a fit tf violence, and threatened to kill four other persona. With three knives in his hands he ran wildly about tbe streets, cutting right and left. He cut his Bister-in-law, Mrs.

James Brady; Alfred J. Werner, Mrs. John Kelly and Patrick luce, israuy is insane. Mrs. Maybrtefc'i Chanee.

London, May 17. Solicitor. -Harris, who ia acting on behalf of the Baroness De Roques, mother of Mrs. Maybrick, has made the'announcement of his in tentibn to persist in his demand for a public inquiry into the now phases of Mrs. Maybrick a case in spite of the re fusal of Dome Secretary Asquith, to in terfere.

Cutwormm FrankJokt, May. Farmers in the surrounding country report great damage bennr. done bv cutworms. SALE -OF THE -ON THK- 30th DAY OlTrJUNE, 1894, We will offer for sale, at the court-house door, In Clarksville. the tract, of lmiri known as the Dick Place, on tlie Clarksvtile ana i on Koyni rurrjpiue, rwo nines from Liar lis vi lie, containing lw acres, ruore or less.

This is One of lie Most Elept Somes In the neighborhood of Clttrksville. -The iftiid is in o(hi conultloii and productive. We sell thia by virtue of the power given us us executors' under the will ol Mis. A. u.

IHck, deceased, wtilch will is probated In the office or the bounty Court Clerk of Mont. Komery county, which reference can be hnd. THE TERMS OF THE BALE wlUbeoue-third cash, balance In two equal payments oue January ibo, ana January 1S97, with Interest froin 1st of July, 1894, and a Hen will be retained to secure these defHrred payments. This place rented for the present year, and possession will not be given until the 1st ol January, ItiWV, and the rents for.tSW will not pass- with the but aro re. serveu.

we win ws require me pur-ehimer to. keep resideucs tie-ored Asulnst hiss hv are. ete. as a riii-thpr for the deferred payments, and the loss, if Hny, to De payable to ns, as out Interests may npjiear. 'V The salo will begin at 12 I GEO.

8. DICK, W.HiUCK. I Executors of Mrs. A. 0.

Dlek, deceased, i This, the 14th day of May, lHttl. Grand Concert. 8 THTJRRSDAW FRIDAY, MAY 17 and 18. Fori Family ColsmMa Concert Co. Vocal and Instrumental Mu sic and Elocution.

23 In struments, Silver Band Oichesrra 1 chohtts. PRldRS: First floor, 35 and 50 cents. U'al- a in 0.4HVI 7y I fit North BAJHVIUC53 ROUTE OF THE' CHICAGO and NASHVILLE THK ONLY Pu-nrai. estibulsd Trftln Sarvieo witi Ncwost. and Finest Day Coaches, Euucpors and Dining Can OM TUP SOUTH I TO Terre Maute Indianapolis, Milwaukee, St.

Paul, -iO A1.L KXHfi lH TH2 H0HTH AKO Poo them 1'iwcrwAfnl, Cliatiaiiiora, Tsn. J. B.C"AV'?f Al'Gff, Umeml Paeisr Arrnt. x- KovMI-' Trrre Haete R. KvsnirvttW.lDdXX -t X.

Rctrtraraters. 11 you wlsli to kWp yaup-t9f- teas iresa ana neaitny, ami to aave dcctor'a bill yoa ebtiuldl call and get one of rhf refrigpratori. apriim Jso. lfeoT. PLACE I nnllNft i W.

F. COULTSE, 3lf4 and 310 Commerce MANUFACTURER OF Roth tha method and resiiltn 'wlisn Syrun of Fiirs ia tatin! it Is rlonnnt and refreshing to the tasto, ftnd acts M.a. mai 1 1 i ueuwy yeii piomjuiy on M18 IVKineyO, Liver and Bowels, rlennsea I'm bvb. tern effectually, dispels colds, hcad-i e' i i uiu ivei una cures iianuuai Cnnstinfltinn. Rvnin nf ileiiTa ia tha i 1 only remedy of ita.

kind ever pro- uuucu, jiiciujuig nitj utsto ana ac-Cetltalilfl to the stnmncli. nmmnt. in its action aud trulv henefieinl in tla effects, prepared only frfmiiSthe most neattny ana agreeable Bubatances, its mnnV evepllent mmlitiea cnmmcml it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figa ia for Bale In 50c i i.iii..' i i ouu 9i noiiies. uy icaaing arug-gists.

reliable druggist who mav not have it nn rianrl will nm. -cure-it promptly for any one who wisuca io iry it. uo not accept any CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 1 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL. UUISV1UE, Ki.

NEW rOBK, H.t. COUNTY ELECTION COUKTV COUKT CLBBK. we are authorized to nnrioiince C. th BA ILKY as a candidate for re-election to the ollioe of Clerk of the of Mont gomery couuiy mine ensuing Auguai election, i CIRCUIT AND CRIMINAL CLERK. We are authorised to nnnounce GEO.

D. CROUCH as a candidate for Circuit and Criminal court clerk at the August election. I- We are authorised to announce BR. W. A.

H1IKLUY uh a cuudldate lor the -offlee ot circuit and Criuilniil Court Clerk at the en. salnc August election. Wo are antbnrized to announce FonL Ti. Daniel as a candidate for re-election to the Office of MKCUIT AND CRIMINAL COUJt'i CLE UK of Montgomery count at the ensuing Augustelectlon. FOR SHERIFF.

We nro authorized to announce -T, STATON as a candidate for Blievlff fcfr-the ensuing August olnctioA. i We are authorteed to announce JAM. M. COLLIER ns a ciitnlldato for jre-electlon to the otllee of KhcriH Hf Montgomery county Ut U1U AllJjUHl U1K.BHU11,. FOR TRUSTEE, Wo are anUiorised to announce PAUL ARARMi as a candidate for Trustee at tlie ensuing August election.

We nro authorized to announce W. BUKGJiSS as a candidate- loc-tne oltlee id Trustee at tne ensuing county election. We are anthorlKed to announce Joe. Ger- art as a candidate for Trustee, at the ensa ln We are authorised to announce JKORGH5 W. VlAHr'IiLD as a lion for trustee at the ensuing August elec- tion, FOR REGISTER.

We are authorised to -announce C. STATON as a candidate for tlie office of Keglsterat the ensuing August election. We nre authorized to announce R. S. BROADDUH as a candidate for -Itesister of Montgomery county at the ensuing election.

We are authorized to announce JAB. E. MOHELEY as a candidate for Register of Montgomery uouni.y at me ensaina August election. We are authorized -to- announce JOE T. FLETCHER, of the Nineteenth district, as a candidate for Register at the ensuing county election.

We are anthoiized to announce J. ELEAZKR as a candidate for Register at. the ensuing county election. We are authorized to announce T.J. MUN- FOUD ns a candidate for the office of County Keglsterat the ensuing county election.

We are authorized to announce W. J. CHOTZKK, of District No. 11, as a candidal ior me omce oi uounty neeisier at tne en- suing county electiou. te We are authorized to announce HARDIN B.

WILLIaMh. of tne Tenth district, as a candidate for the office of Register of Mont- omery county at the ensuing county eleo-ion. ATTORNEY-GENERAL. We are authorized to announce ti. L.

PITT as a candidate for re-election to the ollirw of Attorney -General for Montgomery connty at the ensuing August electiou. W-arettuthnrted to announce TH08. F. MARTIN as a candidate for Attorney-Gen eral for Montgomery oounty, at the ensuing August election. JUDICIAL ELECTION.

OOUIfTT AND CiqJiralLl. JU1X1K. We are anth'orlzed to announce CXW. YLEK as a candidate for re-eiectlon to the office of and Criminal Judge; of Montgomery county at tne Augoat election. FOR CHANCELLORS -We are authorized to announce JUDGE J.

8. GRIBBLK, of Lebanon, as a candidate for Chancellor of the Eighth Chancery Division oi xennesaee. We are authorized to aruionnce J. W. RICK, of Rtwart enimi v.

a a randldntA for Chancellor of the ElglitU'tianoery Division of Tennensee. -i PILES CURED: Madd h-i Drocrietors of Dr. T. L. Stephens Eva Salva and Standard over 1-2 Sf.lK.-j.

5 old. and CUARAMTEED by Owen Moore, and ail other Druggists. Complsxioa Prsssnsj OR. HEBRA'S viola mm 1 fwl I. .1.1 J.v.

-r -X. -4 nl frrh tmrmtlor rul ImrraV at to iO.ta, fxud lot Orraia. ttnt tm am wrnrj. IHmtmf ymm "Ml Prttm JS C9i G. C.

BITTNEH 4 Teitoo, ptl 1 Sash, Doors, is greatly cuangea ana rates reauced before it reaches yie house. Chairman McGann ot the labor committee of the bouse reported favorably the bill to make the first Monday in September a legal holiday, to tie known las Labor day. An attempt was made to up a Toledo and Central passenger train south of Corning, O. A bomb was thrown through an open window. The fuse failed to burn.

There is much excitement in Mexicaif government circles over the discovery that there are in circulation fully $500,000 worth of counterfeit government stamps of the 60 cent Jin Not a Building Left in a Tract of Twelve Acres. AIJOUT 2,30.0 PEOPLE HOMELESS. Nearly BOO Tool- I'liiiiiUen Living Near the Huso Uh.11 l'ai-k Lose fcverytlilng, Loss VorJcrHai a, a Pleasure Keort on Uast Itlver People Unrtr Boston, May 17. A stretch of smoking, blackened ruins, overjng more than a tlozon acres, is the tvsnlt of fire which bffflsrrmt in the base bull park and soon spread to the surrounding property, Housshold farni-ture and property of every description litters the. streets, and hundreds' of those made homeless by tha conflagration are vainly searching the ruins of --their in the hope of finding something of Value remaining.1." Ab ut 1500,000 worth of property was destroyed.

One hundred' and" thirty-seven buildinga, over tvri-thirTtH(fSicliwerewo'Qilen structures, were consumed, and 23 were partially burned. For the most part they were occupied by -the poorer classes and 107 families, or about 2,300 persons, are homeless. The Boston Base Ball association and the'eity of- Boston are the heaviest financial losers. Tho property of the former was valued $70,000 and is a total loss. The city's los3 is over 100(000.

But one fatality has been reported, a 3-inouth-oId baby having been suffocated on -Berlin street; Abouf 17 persona were injured, hone of them seriously. Nearly a dozeri lnvalids residing in bouses, now in ruins, were conveyed to the hospitals during th'e fire. During the night fire started again in tile-top of a Iflick block on the west side Cabot street and burned for an hour, The building was destroyed. ANOTHER IN NEW YORK. Jours' Wood- ar l'iensure JBesort, and Ad-Joinlni; l'mjierty lentroved.

New 17. Fire started in wooden buildings in an inclosure known as Jones1 Woods, at Avenue A and Sixty-eighth street Wednesday, spread ovor "fotir 'blocks, lietween Sixty-seventh and Setuty-tirst streeTs, Avenue A and the EM river. Over damage was done. The sudden changing of the wind caused the iire to spread when the firemen thought they bail it under control. Fifty horses were' burned to death and a number of persons were injured.

-Twelve minutes after the discovery of the flames, the enormous dancing pavilion, the two tiers of seats and galleries the Woods were a mass of flames. 4 A stiff sonthwxdi wind carried the flames toward, the river. Then the wind changed again and turned the flames toward Avenue A. The fire seized the rilimRv buildings, and in five minutes the great wooden owera -at the entrance the ooos Avenue A were Darning, together with the line pf buildings along Sixty-eighth street. Tenants of the buildings "burned were' unable to save any of their household effects.

The Williams stone works, one of the liest efmijroed emeem jrf the- kindin the United States, were destroyed As the tmanv as 1'itl trucks standing in streets, and which were the property of men living in the houses thereabouts, were burned. The docks at the foot of Sixty iirbth and Seventieth Struts were consumed." as were also the buildings and plant of the East River Gas com- py- ilrs. Mary fleilly. a vtidow, had her b'i' TrrlfMn jumping from the window n- iHreman Ru hard T. Moore, ih going the fire, wne thrown from his truck, the wheels of which passed over and fatally in.tnrrd bim.

Chief John Fipher was also thrown from his wagon nd severely tbruwd Tuesday r.ight the P. J. Meyer o-j ciatioft held a dance in the woods and it was 3 ojelock Wednesday morning be-l fure tiie Wt of th gwfit left the place, an hour later when the fismea were discovered. Nothinj as to the -origin cf the fire caa be lrrnL FIRE. Lllitnin Ixnil-K Foar, ResaltHiY ta a Treineadow Blaes Mfts.J inrL.

May -17. Dttrtfiga severe nrai lightBiostrnci a gas regu-iLaortrrtrouing fonr wells belonging to Wim hosier companv, Each be- F' tunc-wn ui gm Duncan creek, a branch of tho Chip-tjewtt, waa turned into a wild looking iver and sawmills and many thousands f. IPX? wea carried awaj 1 On account of tho deatruotion of telegraph and telephone Imts an estimate of total loss canuot lie obtained. It is estimated in this cjtv and county alone at The Chippewa river ia still Tising and merchants in" the lower part of city are removing their goods. 'At Stlllwalur, Stillwater, May stonn left his city in worse condition than any of its prodooessors.i Many streets were washed out badly.

Several houses on Fourth atreet wore undermined and let into a gully 30, feet deep. The yard 'imd Bhopa of-, the state penitentiary were iiooiSed with, sand and water and the loss to the state will ben heavy. Atone tune the water was six feet deep in tho yard. The convicts are all at work clearing the Band out. The railroad' tracks are badly washed out and.

there will be no trains in or out for several Tho "Bawyer 'house ia attain flooded With sand. Big rocks Irani the hill ajde were loosened and oue crushed in the roof and wall. of the'Bchupo warehi Buainess houses on Main street flooded with sand. The loss ia eatim at $50,000. Starin IMiiiic 4n Chicago.

'CniCAOoi May itnusually heavy rainworm, accompanied "by tre-menddua flashes of lightning? swept over the north and northwest part of Chicago Tuesday afternoon. The lightning struck a number of. buildings, setting them on fire. The most serious accident waAAtirving-larkv where a Hash struck the Bchoolhouse.hatteri?i!i the flaaooie. stunning one child uM almost creating' a.

licHtroyrfa to Save It. BlaX'k River Falls, May 17. TiiiLwest wiug of tjje immense dain at tiio Delles haa boon blown out to sae the rest of it. Tho water is rapidly rising aui the break 'is now feet across. ly IJiflitnllis.

M.yvsvfLu:, May 17. Mrs. Mowers, wife of Constable Samuel Mowers of Dover, this County, was struck by lightning. She was seriously injured, but will recover. TUNNEL Two Men Are Killil ami Two Injured, One l-'atully, May 17.

While a foip men were working in the railway ''iiiiiel fear the snp-pert i gave way. Two were killed out-rig'nt and two injured. Tho killed are: O.a'in ackson and J. A. Trusty.

William M. Hunt was iei'haps fatally injured. All three livi in New Albany. rWill.iam Hurst of Newberry was alrfc badly injured. Attempted ltrlbery.

May 1 7. was created hi the senate clpakrooms by an nu-noniicenient. ttiut 1m Attempt was made lo Initio Si iiaio- Ilnnton of Virginia and Hen-atoi-Kyle of nil li Dakota with monfy to vote Hicunst'kug, tariff bill, It is said the weald be htlbur offeied Senate' Hunton's 'son if uVfarher could 1v indiiced to vote, iiainst thtj Tb nian' ntlVml -1 lie briln is wll known ami sa lie reirecnts certain iei-i IH-ss inten sl- i't New ui 's, and say tiiat a niillieii ilullnrs, if will ue spent liv whom lie rcprsiM-nt to prevent the of ihe tariff hill. Wrecked. With All on Ilonril.

Cow in, la.o of Wight, May 17, News reached the 1 loyal; yacht spiadron that the cutter Valkyrie formerly by Lord, Dunraven, after which yaelit famous ValVyrio was named, has.fiinn.t-ereii otf the eea-t of Afi ica. all tlione on Imai'd of lieing dioWued. Lord nunraven si 1 Valkyrie to an Italian gentleman an 1 she recently competed in the regattas. i -v -t -i 1 i to I MivMiuri IVim-rat-" niLa-cd bimetal 1 rtsmouili, l) is l(iIjave a. fertTf factory, Ialluen.

I is-ti-l (') tv spri l'ike contiiyf Mrs. k's frien ay. I. er frevii'in iding fn', in Nan' tlsitiiw lit Hie I le- I.Xlrtaing leirnl plaute exchange. Aabar.

cri; pluajrui n.Mr D.iver, ia l. Willie all he town' hniauiMix t. neat Dattlucis l-TIia at V. unknown inn tlaim ti to ue "Gn eral (iwge Wtli" lias lirroinr uisai at Celina, V. The new Odd Feri'-'v.

nati. ir' ele (-i-ra mimiea Tucs'Uy Tlie Ohio tire will urn Me Monday My 21. Thirr Uo M-ion next ver. Ttienlnth ibh1 mlin of the jtatblc MeiHed in session at Ixiaiton. At Ctica," X- Bernhardt Alleni twrtrer.

who simt oi Ktie New York, was captuVL i- at mHat'Tficrw-Jret-i1 Callnr inMeJ Lliim pohoo1 a of of of i i I of to I I th a. large sxoojs cypress eningics on nana. Contractor and Builder. Plans and Specifications furnished and Estimates made rORI)ERSSOLICITEDl. HMHHHMHaMHHaflHMHHMBHMHHHHaa HaHHHaHIHHHMHHHHBIHiliBHMIHIHI We are receiving and can supply In any quantity ANTHRACITf2.aH sizes, PiraSBUROH, SX.

nlKNARD, -DIAMOND, MUD RIVER, GREEN RIVER, and the famous MAIN MOUNTAIN JELLICO keep 11 supplies of atock of Repairs alwaya in onr store. ua oerore you buy, Boxlixirr- OornV'Clata. DR. C. G.

WILSON, llfl (TniTerlt of Michigan.) Medical and Surgical of Women ana Children ami Otlfldal Surgery. TELEPHONKHO. -J HOCIt-7tna. m. ami to I p.

m. I to iwll ittww 8hiloh'B VlUtlser ia what yon npod for Dyspria, TprpW LJvpt, Wltow Skin or Kidney trouble. If i Knar-ntpl to give you Mtta'-tiun. Price 75c. bold by Owen A Moore, i aU.a A Smith-Premier fNnrt (roll-top rjrtk amity pwTitfjr), IUAh in Crt daw sbupe.

Iy be ewn tfci ofllce. J- 'mchltjtj; -A liav, Bvau, Telephone Coal Office or Wharf Boat F.P. BRO. lines were much demoralJitjug ir-l!iigi;:c stnnn. t.r-at aniua-- wa aone to cellars thruugiiout V-v nty.

Flats are Duoded hihI are einiiot-llti to stk hlirh TABLEH BUCKEYE 0IITfJET CJHESPTraEUT FILES. A 8URK tind CERTAIN OURI known for 19 veare the-BCST. a ro -P I Vr axaABaaM atmrrn mr, tan. JWHHAVfilTMllUI ym. A T', tmm Cim, Triih SaaaiMk, Bi Mlllli, l.i 1 ii.m i mi if.

Amtmm nMra. imy IM tm In wix of "taml I f(Mt rmnuint fir a Xrml fr at Itntmtf. fcmmmf sm4U KEflTHOrg mm w-rwrnmrn 1r rrtM.littt.H InrRII I jfronlid. I Innn-l 1 htniMn i FalK TCI.

Chtvi i a IT. which w. I ver tiii- ity jjiid vicinity Tuesday bed th-- Chippewa river ani in ini nt-ir! iSvr ineir ninM. SokIiii inirien-x jiri a c-f farming cotuilr)'. nway trek, illa-s.

S.veral datn't -id cms ,1 ri th" -This city in-st 1 projwrty. and suiferixl "Wewiar" tiTix iivriieT'oT HtTr itreet WM.iant out turn Xc itrored in 'cellar. .1 iy the city ia leivst vil th damage to tirtvntfl nriiv to frnn i sardine All wrtLwwverVx ewb pt roar was deafening, 1 Re piwm'fTe Harter say fawl crmM; bejeen tm mik-' lie w-Jil tw Tnte for the bill mih-s It A l.irsT forrejf men UTxrfd; all V-.

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