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The Leaf-Chronicle from Clarksville, Tennessee • 1
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The Leaf-Chronicle from Clarksville, Tennessee • 1

Clarksville, Tennessee
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j. rX jfsTlA' 1 ft i 1IL LeatrLhronipJe. Yyart Ads. ALWAYS PAY Ute Them Every Day! YT7 1 tonight and Wed-, wMT oM in int portion tfnljlitr, grmr member associated '-vpfas'; FIVE CENTS A COPY i Trv V' 1 1 rn i i in: rv ri vrr UU l-Zl 1 1 I w. w- I 1 New BUI Wodd mm tax autiiohities FielitlDEMiSTRflJIOB t)t liilB Vi" Ten WoundedMayor and Deputy Among Dead Herring Adyises Non-interference Chilean At- titude Toward S.

Debated. UilSi R. Li GREEN Mexico City, January 11. (P Leased Wire) Specinl dispatches from fluada III .7 ma state that twenty-one' persons House! May Reconsider Rejection Action on Anti-Gossip Legislation Operation of Ferries Sug- gesfed ip Nevj Teacher Heads Hit Nashville, Jan. 11.

(AP leased Wirp) 1 Rv FT fl UrR ARI" Consideration of more -than a lillllL 01 lalllUla i'Mn-'tt rirlnip' imimi'tancC was faced i 1 't i a v-r: zri; A DIES INJIHS CITY nr.unvEn native of rOl'NTY Wll HE HERE WKUNESDAV AFTERNOON Jlis. Holier! M. Orocn, sued 01. -a. live mift pratUicnUy nil her life vosi- dent of lliis oonnty, died ht 0:40 o'clock thin morning, at the hoptr nml Rcvpnth streets wliere she hnJ boon crkially ill since lier remcnal three r.

UncIcjSaiii Nabs 1 2. --N i ty 4 it 4 i 's riT'Z-t i here today by memliers of the Sixty-1 Fifth General Assembly of Tennessee. j' Meftinrhile lecislntors extiressed ereat 1 interest in reS)rts that a move woald lie made t6 hnvp the house of repre.ientaT fives'-reconsider its raction of Monday night rejecting an anti-gossip bill introduced by' Rpprcspntative It; IV Cal-wcll of Macon counijr. This action was taken upon the recommendation of the houtjn nidifinrv folnnittrpp 1'lvlensive nrguinents which had been expected did tint, The Cnlwell net to similar to a proposal advanced in the scuate several days ago by 8enator Butler of Maeoa county, author of Ten nessee, a famous anti-evolution -law- N8hTinv In prt ne of Mr last'iaheg, was ratlfieKl-that she spend Jast, lays jtnf die, 1. In a nwasure hisrwjh.

Laa.Bot, fulfilled, since 3r and Grpeni liaj expected to here only, planning to buy. a farm j.thft Louise comrnunity' on Indian creek, the1 tb oounty in, whicU both iVcrfl born, ajuV jeai-ed and livetj Wit pieht i-pRfs nW hen they inoml Representative Jetton of Camp- report1 an average was moma bell county, was busv ntieuipting tn Company who sold 17.0W support of a bill he intrcditcPd MondaW lmnds for an Arch night which would place ahert per cent Tidwell of Bptv Aqua, at this Bales tax on all soft or eqld drinks losr pounds of good, foe than egg or milk concoctions'. A -''j. low iK-fiMr-TOc a small grand divittions would be erected and iM of pounds with lug) ranging' operated with revenue from the proposed trom 2-T-r to U'i seconds from tfiiO law. i i'K j' ta leaf from! Jjjllo $15.00.

Another new hottse bTliwhici Tettk4I-alitu9ntnude-- tieation tosk javefllifkt Bogard. Jeaf 'sojd from resignjUionjiL $(t tol0.6rt Ilarnedpreseut cducjitioft $3.50. No iwA! ft ere business. i JftenlizinR ofctfmn wlKat liw'licaltli wai that death 'is1' 1 that she might rotui'n to. was showing bitter controversy.

.1 ill, i Jl 0 saw in Clarksvillo, and 5.1 icallyaff 'hop for; bor lWovPTy hw Mrs. ttreen- wa th of the i veteran aiM offiopr of the Confederacy, and ilr: Emily -SUe-waa In th Jndian fiveett. Hpl Vaa apent in that section, nnd -was there, she and Mr. iOreen were Warriert and reared their large family of ten children all of. whom survive 1o-- father with her Imshand.

There are six fThitf proposal is nn offcrin of 74,0110 must, hold a in as) degree fi-om an little, change -Va reported in tho credited college or to have r--' v-'i'-i' o-r un.yers, y.Jt Sported 'itlc ot 30,000 jpottSSred by A .0,., ernoon. The highest price Itonough of Warren county. -s No-average was fciven. Juliet, provides -that the- presidentaor' -pfm- f.0rtor(j Coleman Murrey had cpals of three Kate teachers'. collPges et must liold masters degrees from an credited college' or ttnlvcrslfv and must The Clarksville loose floors sold np-; hare taught at least three years of lie schools or accredited universities-.

or-n Monday at an average around colleges. 1 a late Moiiday afternoon "report Showed. Factions both favoring and opposing ri(e. for loaf hi The The Nicaraguan stoam schooner ClnrnMatlliicu, suspected -of running guns into Nicaragua, was lied up. nt Boston" by Coast Guardersr- Liquor listed fon Uie mamfrst tould not' be.found aboard; nor -would' the crewexplain the hold in the bow.

(iotenisUoBal Vewtraetl NEGRO MINISTER- FARMER PERISHES IN BURNING HOME CHARLIE VAUGHN IS TRAPPED ItV SMOKE EFFORT TO EXTINC.I ISII FIRK, The head legs completely burned off and b0('j' charred beyond recognition, Charlie Vaughn, OS-year-oId negro farmer and Baptist was victim "of ft fire ibich about 2 o'clock this morning, destroyed bis recently eled frame home jn New Providence, The aged negro's body was dug from out the ruins of bis homp thin morning by. numbers of his family and neighbors. The fire, according to Vaughn's, wife, probnhly-originatei from a ember which' Vaughn may have dropped! on the floor about 10 -o'clock Monday niglii when he, carried fire from one room to another to usq jn starting sl fire, i The familv, including the three sons nnd daughter, was awakened intense heat ami smoke and all 'made their escape, but Vaughn re-entered the Iioukp, it is said, with water in an at tempt to extinguish the despite the protests-of Jiir wife and cIulflreuMie made three trips jnto hc burning House, fn itinir in the It is thought that he was overcome by tb heat and gmoke which" trapped- him in a room. Vaughn is well known nmnng both the white liegi-o ertntens of the county. Tlnr mnni;" Triemts wlioTnre" grievtsl bv hii( tracic death.

'The "funeral 'he. held' from he 'cbniT'h at." 1' o'clock 'ToTn'orrffw rpiTucsditry af temrwii Buv ial will takfr place, the New. Piwulcjicc negro cemetery. TYPHOID MENACE WARNINGS GIVEN STRICT PREVENTIVE "I'KKl TIONS I RC.ED I PON FLOOD REFI GEES HERE. Tvphoid wartnngs nre sent nut through the local health unit today on account of the conditions left in the wake of the Cumberland and Bed rivers 1 he people re-occupying the houses which have been flooded by the rivers are particularly susceptible to the-disenses.

Dr. IV Mnlone, county health director, The city is ing every precaution possi-' hie by washing the h-nises and seeing that they are dry before they are again piedrTh chief dangers now result from ontaminatcd drinking water ana iiiiik. Dr.Malonq urges the pwiphf hav- ina in ra-rr io laka precaiKion in ccing that the water is tested and purified. -Either. the city or health ntiit will (est the.

water. DivVMa- lone also calls attention Jo the fact that ol car. ba vau -xpi red si nee A he typhoid fevPtf-epklemicTViwt: here -Jand. advises those taking the treatment. at that- tibiP to begin the treatment again at once One i immunized asaiust typnom lor onlv two years.

The' health unit is now in position to give treatment, to "those de- siring to take mtyaniage oi inc ojipor-juuitift) offered iucombatting the disease. CHAPLIN JO PUlt: UP STIFF FIG(IT COMEDIAN WILL CONTEST EVERV ---CHARGE IN DIVORCE PETITION. Los Angeles. January 11. CAP Lcns-el Wirel-Lliyd Wright, attorney for Cbnrle Spencer Chaplin, said here today comedian would fight every charg contained in the divorce suit filed by Litit Chaplin Monday, whirli bristled throughout 'lis 42 pnges with charge of cruelty and mrideltty.

--ftl tis.i I I. tl iriMirii imii iitiMKinii. ji Li A I. AP Lens-rd Wlre Chaplin, known on the silver as a Jiiiiuyi jtuileless indi-ridiial. is pictured as eruc iyid faithless husband, sixteen times! a millionaire with, an income, of mare than S.KI,()(Ht in a divorce suit filed here by big estranged wife.

Lita irr Chaplin. Some, of Mrs," Cbopiin' charges were unprilif-alile. Mr. Chaplin hrand'l her husband as a scoffer at marriasf, as due liaNtel to her of his Kfsoi-talion wiih wo-mm. end ai m.W wlu l-lieved bis wife it a gold differ ami a- blackmailer.

Arms Runnei; JIM. UPTQ BOARD KIWANIANS WILIMAKE ItECOM MENDATI0NS TO COUNCIL COMMITTEES The proposition of employing "Mrs. Myrtle E. Blair as ilowell school public health nurse now pending npoif' -s1 hp-decision orrcc-omincndation of ibe finance and school committees of (lie board, -of -as-a result of ac-t ion 'taken today by the Kiwttliis club, initiated, tho work in the school, and since Seiieinhpr of 1025 bfla been paying -''one-halt of. the nnrse'a -BeXoro this committee which will prob ably meet this week to consider city is able to finance, i He.

proposition will go a committee 'composed of 14cn Klwaninns. ,1 he committee, -of ten will put' the: proposition squarely tip to tha finance Vommitteets and will ronfer ith Dr. F. J. Malone, connty health director, as to now, mucu me city must: appropriate for this" work," iroTid-ing the -mayor-and' alderrtien" will lin-lertake It.

Judge John T. Cuaningham, Who inlfO- duced 'motion, waa appoillted-' chair- man of the Kiwunis committee hy r'rest' dejit H. Pickering. TheV other -rttne memliers are E. IL.

Allen, Broth1-' ers. John S. Daniel, the-Rev. Roy H. Bt- ser.

Alfred Clebsth. P. T. Dr. Lacy.

Dr. rank J. Biinyon and Edgar -r 1 President called for n-'tonnd-lalde discussion of the question, for wild It xvas now time that the c(nb take definite action concerning Uie'maHer. By previous vote Uie Kiwaniuns bad de-cjiiei! to employ the" nurse jititil first' of next month so that -the board might, have time during the Jannary session to properly 'Consider 'its aCfjnn." The matter was brought np- liefore th jt'Uy coiliicil My Alderman G. Koskett, past preoiilenl the -Kiwanians.

and waa re-ferrcd tii the finance achool committers for lhejr consideration anarecnm' ir.endati.iii. Tbo dull voted iq "genii T. Foust. trustee, sto the Kentucky-Tennessee District meeting lieutenant nnjl Kiwanis is Kboj-ville on January 21. The only jnest today was lladley Allen, I'almyri.

ii .1 NURSE QUESTION L- I nr. ni mlnistrntmn mMtan wli inh c-nii1rl make 'permanent a law passed; tvo years' na and 'Mnlrlmr-next Febrnnrv 28 hrO- IIT Af) OH TfiRHV 'JlhI Otl lUUll M.ll. COMMON OFFERINGS DOMINATE 1X)0SE FlIOR SALES FEW AMCllAGES REPORTED Averaging around $0. it is believed, tha Clarksville loose; floors today olI. wiim 115,000 pounds 'of tobacco.

The offer ings in most cases were reported com mon. Little change, was shown in the market over Monday's Males'. The oidy 'age. wrts rcjiortM. I Rrewer.

Durrett Elliott, at 2 o'clock' in C'R''V ei wno soul jo.wu ppuiuis vern 'i inn TIE VOTE TO BB TAKENrilURSDAY MtCH INTEREST CENTERS "IN FIRST WARD ALDERMANIC CONTEST. Keen interest centers In the outcome of Cllmuenc, -bdu jessr i. i rrrj, iu in for nldermnh of tli first ward, For the ft'st the hlstorr ot Clarksville 'voters will have the privilege of taking part in a special election to tin tie-a deadlock. It is, understood that both candidates hare made "short canvasses in order to break the Up in their favor. Being evenly matched ft votea will likely decide, the majority of the successful candidate Each of the two candidates receivel ion billots in the resutat biennial elec- tion December 7 when the officials to direct the city were Kown.

The polls will be front 0 a. until 4 P- as iri.i regtilsf police -station and the courtbouse will btjhe precinels InSfhich be "elecUdrt ill ho bel.l Legion to Hold. Regular Meeting Here TopigKf lii-cn killed and ten w.mnded in a between Cntholics and the ntitliorilies in the town of Cocula in (lie slate of Jalisco. The mayor of Coculp aud 'the local deputy, Sostenes Castillo, W'ie among those killed. The dispatcheg reported that the mun-)ciMil tiutnorilies offered opposition to a religious demonstration and a battle be- tween tatholics, munii'lpal officials, enr ploves a tvfl policemen followed.

y' The Agrarians, it: was announced today, have decided to support President nnd his Mexico City headquarters has-instructed all Acrarian oriranizations tbrougliiMit Mexico to co-operate. with federal tpKips in pursuit ol reMs wherever found Mexico Alone, Advice. Mexico City, Jantnuy Lens etl nv) Mexico suotild lie given a cjianco to work out hpr own program witn tit, interference in of leader of a group ft forty who have been studying con-triioas in BH'ore leaving for New Monday night. Mr. Herring, said, "the Mexican soveriiment has a pri(fnnn it is iUlo to attempt ajipraisal of Ibo land, oil or cbitrdi aituattnn without tirat auempting Jonaderntand.

the entu program. I be- Ulla4Al 4nva A- chance to work out lier program in her oAvnwaV tind' wrtWaiit' interference" lillean' t(ittidc Changed. Santiiiga, January. 11. (AP.

Leased Wire) Deputy Enrique. Malta Figuerna, Liberal, has submitted i -m-tion to the chamber of deputies hy which that in- view of the V.mted State attitude toward Jsicnragnn. would declare its adherence to the ideal expressed- in the slognn. 'Latin-America Uhe motion also suggests that the Chilean ireign? oltice lormaily hnlrtv-the States government ol this attitude. I pon the request of the Communist the jimtion was held over for further de- nine.

i Neutral Zones Kstalilislied. Managua. icuragua, January' 1 1. (AP leased. Wire) T'nited Statea naval forces-have ascended the Escondido riv er, sixty lrmirliere to estamisn a neutral in the interior today; Another ncntrul zone -has lieen declared at l-the mouth of the Wawn river.

ELECTIONS FOR 'SQUIRES GALLED SU CCESSORS POLLARD MM) BANNER WILL BE -V- A special election will be called Feb' rnary 1, for the purpose selecting magistrates to siiccecil-thp late-John A Pollard in District '2 and Mac It. 'Hani licr of IJistrict VI. who resigned Friday to tax collector for the city of C'larksville, The elect ion" ill Dist wjll be lielil at the yeguiar voting pre cinct of that "While, the District 12, election will be held -m the court house he police stnt ion. J. R.

Kennedy has qualified and a noiiiicpti his tor the oltice in District 2. At present no candidate qiialificd to silcceed Haniier. Iia GERMAN CABINET FATE UNSOLVED CI'RTl LS LS-GlVRNl OPPORTCNI ties to form a new min- jstitv. "Berlin. (AP Leased W.iret A cabinet including nil the Bourgeois parties from the Nationalist tn.

the Democrat, be svueht by for tius, n.mirxl by Precideftl mri Hinden burg to Mtc crd Chaiwelicr Failing in this, the is in-. rnctel fn form a small aliiion government on. Nationalist line-v In event huh (Jicsc pbins fni! President von 'Hiiulenhitrs take the ultimate decision. I rides for a ten per cent sales on A crop belonging to EL T. manufactured tobacco, made preparations nt Dickson county," to present their arguments tonight l0nds hroiight average of Ut.M fore a joint' meeting of the iinance Va.v tM erop-705 itounds ot leaf sold for end -taPRnnTCommittcr of-the mrivrr" anA Wu Feiry Operation Troposed "I poimds of sold ior Ja.

Nashville, Jan. Leftsed tltMWt "ot om' l0ir -Keniea -ouW bo GB.Othec across various "rivers at ointsr decided ihm? ftverages fm $0 upon byvofficials of the highway ment, under, the terms of a "'U intro; duced. here in the senate of neKsoe's Sixty-Fifth Genernl Assembly. TherihPasnre piece of legislation proposed in the sen- ate during the day SENATE PLANS-Ai PROBE OkVARE FUNDS COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN pom nnu iuf iwwii.i Trottot, I.awtoii.' 1 Mrs. W.iley IViilker.

ClnrUsville: Oiover C. Gieeii, Mrs. Homer Freeh, NiiKhvilIe William Br N'nUv ille Cl.u AVatertownTcnn. Uny, iwis, Wickham and Miss Wisp Mae Green, all of-Nashville. Eishteen grandcliildien aiul two great RramtcuiKiren hiho hihui, lOgether with live hrot'beY, Hi-.

Gil nrrA.11. Erin; Gpore fi. Aberriatby. Clarksyille; Stone Aberhathy, Clarkavllle A. Abernntky, 1ftrksV'tlle, and two Mrs.

Furker THnklenmucrlnnOl lit, Adams, Kria. -Funeral ftf rvieM for Mis. Green will he conducted jrom ison-n rct-i i iMiist Churcli at ocl(K-K tomorrow (WedhMtlay- itfternoon. byjUev. H-Koftini Of Nashville, aswisted by the David Inter-mpJit-'iVill.

occui1' In Greenwood cemetery. TBa-Turn to Fatfe Eight) SMITH DIES AT P41RT AVIDOW 0F CONFF.DEKATE VET-ERAN. nt RtAITUIS AFTERNOON nnsal. Jannary 11 ii' Mrs: tvnccifti i i Mflvr Ann Smith, ttrtS one of the best communttj; died ht 4 ftemooh follmving .1 two months lues- durlnn 'vhlch' bad tw fc 0f narnlysis.Mrs. Smith, before lr If Cheatham county.

-She wa mar-'j id George, Smith, a t'onfed- who fm-pnty-slx eflrt ago. Two children were born to th.s i'ames nr' r.nnd John Irtschei- whoj.ves this "im. hthrr- Tport.noyftand Knot, Wff; re7co " member Of tl.e.C.i.Uer, lHbf trUn church iind was modest; and retiring woman. ho ill he rrelt ml 'n he cenducted at home 2 i clock th.j-' Hftetnoon by Allen Sykcs. o( riarkille.

anfl interment wn the yango eemetet. ROYAL WILL CONDUCT FENNStLVAXIA 'ln'- PW''1', INVESTIGATION day called for the plirpose of breaking a tie' vote lietween Ilal Gaudhat, in-. POOL OPENS WITH; 1G00D DELIVERIES On.OOO POI NDS HERE EARLY THIS MORNING 'ADVANCE RANGED ANNOt NCED. Some pound of-dark fired tobacco-were delivered- to the local, re ceiving station at Commerce and Hiter and the old Buckner warehouse on High -street' today In the opening of theIWrkjT'obaccodrowcj'C tive Associntionr warehouse generally olv served over the 7 Black Patch. Grading was begun" in earnest foday' by K.

C. Hopson, the grader employed' here in 1021. Owing to not nil of the weed (Please Turn to I'age ight.) HAMBONES MEDITATIONS By J. P. Alley 1 pis HeAH 1 BlRF-PAY TopAY, Bur LAW, He AlH7 PAiFHf.

ckrisVaus "Eit-US Yir-- BIM SKEERtP Xp IALK t5ouT rjKt-mi-i. rnjar. Mil, by 6a Sait," Iik Waichington, Jan. -(AP Tkum' Inr estiga.tion of the senatorial election in Pennsylvania last 'November in which Representative llUmn 8. Ileiblicari, w-as-'credited' w-ithTa ma jority over William R.

AVjlson. Dem- oerat was ordered tmlay By the fenate. The iniiuiry will be condm-ted fpefial canipaign funds committee which uncovered the expenditure of JSOO.OOO In liehalf of Va re in Pennsylvania's primary last spring. BRODNAX FAMILY J. I ROBBED OF GEMS NOTED MEMPHIS JEWELER IH HEt.D t'P BV BANDITS IN HOME.

January .11, -(AP Lraaed Wiie) Hve men early today forced an V- the home of George T. BrOd- Mcmr-hi iewelcr. held un Tcn h'ntranc'' members, of the family and cwaped -With' dismomls and other jewels valued 'it 13,000, a Attention of members of Arehie I of the American Iion is called the regular meeting at o'clock tonight. A.nnmber nf matters of Importance are to be considered and foil attendance members is urged..

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